Wilderness Therapy
Wilderness Therapy Programs
Option 1: Trailblazer
Duration: 3 Hours Cost: $300
This option works best for a Client who is less familiar with the outdoors, less physically fit, and/or whose higher symptom severity may compromise their ability to engage one-on-one with the Therapist in the outdoor setting. This is a very good option for a beginner.
The expectation with the Trailblazer program is that the Therapist and Client will complete a short hike (2-3 miles) on moderate terrain carrying their own supplies. They will stop for a break halfway which usually includes time for lunch, mindful awareness practice, and coping skills building.
Option 2: Lookout
Duration: 3-4 Hours Cost: $450
This program is a good choice for the Client who has some experience with the outdoors, who is reasonably physically fit, and whose symptoms are manageable enough to accommodate multiple hours on their own with the Therapist.
This program will focus on self-sufficiency skills, mindfulness, nature education, and effective communication. The Lookout program will comprise a 3-5 mile hike, a planned break for a snack or lunch, mindful photography, memory and concentration exercises, and communication games and tests.
Option 3: Orienteer
Duration: 3-4 Hours Cost: $450
This program is a good choice for the Client who has some experience with the outdoors, who is reasonably physically fit, and whose symptoms are manageable enough to accommodate multiple hours on their own with the Therapist.
The Orienteer focuses more on body control, thought-stopping, effective communication, nature education, and improving concentration. The Client and Therapist will complete a 3-5 mile hike, a planned break for snack or lunch, physical skills, and stress tests.
Option 4: Ranger
Duration: 5+ Hours Cost: $550+
This offering is appropriate for those who have considerable experience in hiking, some self-sufficiency in the outdoors, are able to sometimes manage their symptoms on their own, and have a higher level of physical fitness and body awareness. It is also recommended that the Client have already completed either (or both) the Lookout and/or Orienteer programs before participating in the Ranger.
The Ranger will learn more self-sufficiency skills, survival skills, communication and teamwork, situational awareness and mindfulness, and be expected to creatively solve novel problems. This program is a very suitable entrance point for longer excursions on more challenging terrain and is an excellent tool for developing healthy independence, responsible decision-making, and maturity.
Option 5: Trailmaster Series
Duration: Varies Depending on Level
Cost: Varies Depending on Level
This program follows a sequence of levels of proficiency in some of the aforementioned skills and culminates in an event which brings these skills to bear in various challenging ways. The Client is expected to rely much more on themselves, manage their symptoms under stress, communicate effectively with the Therapist, and perform challenging mental and physical exercises. These experiences are designed to cultivate a calm mind, strong decision-making, personal accountability and responsibility, maturity, and humility.
This program is recommended for those Clients who have already completed some or all of the previous programs, or otherwise have extensive experience in working and learning in the outdoors as judged by the Therapist.
Other Information and Disclaimers
When a program is selected, the Therapist and Client will coordinate details for the Packing List, Transportation, and Safety Protocols.
All outdoor programs are paid in advance.
It cannot be guaranteed that the Client will complete all expectations for any given program. The program will adhere more strictly to the planned runtime than the curriculum. All programs are subject to safety and weather conditions and may be cut short or canceled depending on the Therapist’s judgment. Any refund for the program cost will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
Parents/Legal Guardians of Clients who are minors are required to remain in the outdoor area (on a trailhead or campsite) where the selected program begins. Often, the Family remains in contact with the Therapist via a walkie-talkie or cell phone when possible. This is only for emergency purposes and is not commonly used for “check ins” between the Client and Family; it is important for the Client to cultivate a sense of independence and self-sufficiency in order to be successful in these programs - and life!